Hi sweet friends! I snuck away to my car in the driveway 🙂 yesterday to record a quick baby sister update. Well I tried to make it quick but I talk too much, lol. It ended up being a 17 minute baby sister/life update because 1) I had so much to fill ya’ll in on and 2) distraction at its finest!
I uploaded the videos to IGTV last night but because IGTV’s can only be 15 minutes long I had to separate it into 2 videos and then my first video got cut off when I spilled the news about baby brother. Probably a bad place to break up the two videos lol. Some of you did see there was a part two and the other half were messaging my like Ummmm, wait what?!” LOL
Sorry for that confusion! Both of the videos are on my IGTV but to make it easier uploading the baby sister/life update in its entirety here!

What an Amazing Family you guys are!! Praying for baby brother that he is happy and healthy! I hope you guys will get to meet him soon! It’s always hard when blood family members try to get involved. Also, keeping you all my thoughts and prayers that baby sister will be able to come live with you guys ASAP! ??
Awww thank you so much! We are keeping our faith up and leaving it up to God! We can’t wait to bring baby sister home soon and then hopefully baby brother soon after!!