I am so thankful that I am able to try out different beauty and skincare products as part of my job here on RoselynWeaver.com. We get sent tons of products; some drug store prices and some a little more expensive. I am very picky on what I share with you all because I know there are so many options out there for you guys and if you are anything like me, you have spent so much money on trying new products that don’t work so it is extremely important to me to only share products that I truly love and what truly worked or works for me.
The Skinceuticals Hyaluronic Acid Intensifier has been a game changer for my skin. Especially in this brutally cold weather and the fact that my skin has been so dehydrated lately.

Why is Hyaluronic Acid important?
In general, Hyaluronic Acid is a moisture-binding ingredient that helps keep the the skin plump and hydrated. It fills in wrinkles and promotes collagen production for long lasting youthful skin.
I have been using this since last September. I started using it religiously each day, mixing it in with my daily moisturizer and even though I immediately felt a hydrating difference on my face, I started actually seeing the results about 5 days in. I don’t know about you guys, but I call that a win!
My skin type is more on the dry side but the Skinceutical site states that this product is great for all skin types: dry, oil and combination.
Because this product is a bit of a splurge I started to cut back on my daily use so that I could make the product last longer, haha. #ballinonabudget I now use it about every 2 days and mix it in with my night cream so that my skin can fully absorb it through the night. Again, I have been using this since September so the serum has lasted some time now. You really only need about 2-3 drops added into your palm with your day or night time moisturizer.
I can’t recommend this product enough! If you try it or are already fan I would love to hear!
xo, Roselyn
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