
5 ways To Wear Cowboy Boots

Yes, yes..it’s true… I finally gave in after all these years and purchased Cowboy boots! I even say ya’ll now if you haven’t noticed. Like, who am I?!

True story though, I actually went back and forth for like an hour on what cowboy boots to purchase. They are so pricey that I was trying to get myself to fall in love with the less expensive pair at the store but the heart wants what it wants and I went with these Lucchese’s. Anyway, like a minute after checking out at Boot Barn Brandon calls me and tells me there has been credit card fraud because someone had spent xxx amount at Boot Barn. I couldn’t stop laughing but in his defense why would he assume I was at Boot Barn.

Hi, my name is Roselyn and I shop at Boot Barn now ๐Ÿ™‚

Many of these pieces I already had in my closet so if I am not able to link the exact item, I will link similar items if you want to achieve the same vibe!

Cowboy Boots With A Mini Dress

If you are a newbie to western wear like myself, this is the easiest way to style youer new boots!

Cowboy Boots And A Blazer

This is probably my favorite way to style it. I would even swap out my plain tee to a graphic tee. So chic.

Cowboy Boots With A Duster

Cowboy Boots With Denim Shorts

You can never go wrong with a blazer and denim shorts but throw on some Cowboy Boots, okay fall trendsetter you! ๐Ÿ™‚

Cowboy Boots With A MIni Skirt

Ya’ll RUN! This skirt is currently on sale for $5!!

How do you feel about the Cowboy boots? What trend are you most looking forward to styling this Fall?!

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Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.
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