
Francesca’s Embroidered Dress + Why I Love My Friends to the Moon and Back

Happy Wednesday beauties!

I hope everyone is having an amazing week so far! Mine has been quite the challenging one! You know…on January 1st I told myself I would stop committing to so much stuff at one time. Naturally, I have not and some days when one small little thing gets delayed or cancelled it sure does throw everything off! But, ahhh well! Busy is good right?! And on the hard days that is when I can turn to my girlfriends!

If you guys didn’t catch my blog takeover on Francesca’s Saturday, have no fear, I am sharing it with you today! I was honored that Francesca’s invited me to partake in their “To The Moon and Back” campaign! The topic they asked me to talk about is why I love my friends to the moon and back which of course is so easy to talk about!!

Francesca's Embroidered Dress

Embroidered Dress francesca's blog takeover-houston blogger embroidered blue dress boho dress-embroidered blogger style- boho chic babydoll embroidered dress-roselyn weaver embroidered boho dress

Dress | Heels | Sunnies

I could go on and on with reasons I love my friends, but things that immediately come to top of mind are:

  • They just get it- what does that mean you ask? Only you and your best friends know.
  • They’ll never be afraid to be too honest with me.
  • They can always get me out of a bad mood.
  • They not only care about me, but they care about my family.
  • Jealousy is not in our vocabulary.

This list could be miles long because there are so many reasons why I love my girls oh so much! Finding friends that make you laugh, friends that will not judge you when you eat 2 pieces of chocolate cake and that will not repeat that embarrassing thing you did are so amazing, but I think the 5 points I listed above are qualities that are a little harder to find these days.

So as the saying goes, “find your tribe and love them hard!” so that’s exactly what I strive to do every day.

Here are 3 things I strive to do to ensure my best gals know how much I appreciate them!

  1. Find ways to make your besties day shine a little brighter. One thing I absolutely love doing is buying my friends “no reason gifts”. This could be anything from a funny coffee mug like this one from Francesca’s or a cute top that you know she can’t live without. Surprising them with little gifts like this take such little effort but make such a big impact.
  2. Be dependable. Actions speak louder than words so I make the biggest effort to make sure that I show up for my friends when they need me to. Whether that’s an impromptu dinner because she’s had the most horrible day ever or when it means picking up her son from school because he’s not feeling well and she’s stuck at the office.
  3. Make time for each other- Life gets so busy, so fast. I remember the college days where we would leave class asking each other what time we are going to meet at the beach. Unfortunately, adulting fills up our schedules a little more quickly than the good ole days. With full time jobs and kiddos it makes it tough to schedule that time with your besties but scheduling that time is a must. Yes, we are at the time in our lives where almost everything needs to be on the calendar and getting all of your best girls together means confirming your next date a month in advance, but finding ways to fit in your bestie time is very important for a friendship! It’s like keeping date night with your hubby!

How do you all like to show appreciation to your besties?! I would love to hear!

xo, Roselyn

**Sponsored Post: This post was done in collaboration with Francesca’s. As always, thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

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8 thoughts on “Francesca’s Embroidered Dress + Why I Love My Friends to the Moon and Back

  1. So what do I have to do to be apart of this besties

    Hey girl, cute dress! But of course, you always look nice. Xoxo


Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.
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