Hi friends! One of the questions I get the most on Instagram stories is, “where do you get your eyelashes done?”. You all know I LOVE my eyelash extensions. Early last year I tried to give them up and that lasted for a good 3 months but I thought about them every single day, lol.
I have been eyelash extensions for like 6-7 years. Whenever it was that my girlfriend Nikki had her bachlorette party in San Diego. I remember getting them right before that weekend and I was immediately hooked!
I’ve gone to several places since then. Actually the very first time I got them, I got them done at a nail salon by my house. Even though I immediately fell in love with the way they looked I have learned over the years the right and wrong techniques and I have learned that the nail salon that first did my lashes were doing it all wrong! She actually had me keep my eyes open and didn’t use gel pads or anything but again I didn’t know any better. Today I want to share a lash boutique who I have been using for the past couple months.
Like I mentioned, I have tried out so many different places in the Houston area so now I know exactly what I like and what I don’t like. Actually the individual that I went prior to trying Chiclash Boutique I still love as well but she moved locations and she works for herself now so not only is she too far to get to on my lunch break, it’s really hard to get an appointment with her if I don’t book in advance. That is why I started looking for a lash boutique by my office and fortunately found Chiclash.
Chiclash currently has 3 locations in Houston. A location in Montrose, Highland Village and Memorial area. I have been to both the Montrose and Highland Village locations. First of all the beds are like being hugged by a cloud! Haha, seriously if you go or have gone you know exactly what I mean!
The two stylist I highly recommend going to are Ivy and Jordan. And my one tip when going to get your lashes done anywhere is to be very specific on what you want. The stylists work on so many different people and everyone wants something different so make sure you share whether you like a natural look or more voluminous lashes. When going to a lash stylist for the first time I would even recommend getting a screenshot of some examples you like from their Instagram or website to ensure you get what you want. Just a tip from someone that has been getting eyelash extensions for a while now 🙂
For reference, the length of my eyelash extensions are a mix between 13 and 14 and I tell them I like more fuller, thicker looking lashes.
Chiclash Boutique is also giving you guys 20% off your service when mentioning my name. I’ll link all of their locations here.
If you guys go, don’t forget to send me a picture!
xo, Roselyn