
California Dreamer + Weekend Update

Happy Monday guys!



Tank | Shorts (similar) | Sunnies | Sandals

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! I have spent the last couple of days with my sweet family celebrating my nephew’s graduation. How in the world do we have 3 high school graduates? I haven’t aged a day 🙂 but my nephews and nieces are growing up so fast!

Anywho, Friday was Jordan’s graduation and if you didn’t catch it on Facebook I nearly missed my flight out of Houston. Boarding time was at 5:15 AM and I woke up at 4:44. The fact that I even made it to the airport and onto my plane was a miracle! Thanks to my husband who finished my packing while I frantically got dressed!

Saturday we spent the day at Avila beach. Seriously any day with the family is a good day but add the beach and #livingmybestlife! Yesterday we continued on celebrating our sweet Jordan and had his graduation party with a 100 of their closest friends. If Texas always does it bigger than I’m sure my family has Texan in their blood, haha!

This morning I am heading back to Houston with Jordan in tow! Who, by the way, snapped these beautiful pictures! Thanks Jordan! Excited to have a photographer with me all week LOL. For those of us who know Brandon and I, you already know that for every high school graduation we fly the kids out as part of their gift. It’s been so amazing and I can’t take credit for it because it was Brandon’s idea 3 years ago. I was trying to figure out what to get my oldest nephew for his HS graduation and Brandon was like “why don’t we fly him out here?”. Genius. I love their time out here because we get to show them some of our favorite places, get one on one time with them and I have an excuse to eat like a teenager. Actually, who am I kidding? I don’t need an excuse. 🙂 Also, now that we are 3 years in and the majority of my family has already been to Houston, Jordan is eager to figure out what the Whataburger thing is all about!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend. Seeing all of these new graduates has me feeling some type of way. If you are a new graduate reading this or just someone who is looking to start a new journey remember, no dream is too big, surround yourself with people who support your goals and hard work always pays off. Sometimes things don’t go as planned and that’s okay because when they do oh….it is going to be amazing!

xo, Roselyn

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Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.
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