
Palm Print Top + Summer’s Must Have Earrings

Good morning beauties!

Currently on my way to California for my nephew Jordan’s high school graduation and party this weekend! I have been able to see my family 3 times in the past 30 days and that makes me so happy!


charming-charlie-palm-print-top-weekend-style-houston-fashion-blog-roselyn-weaver charming-charlie-palm-print-top-weekend-style-houston-fashion-blog-austin-earrings charming-charlie-palm-print-top-weekend-style-houston-fashion-blog-must-have-earrings charming-charlie-palm-print-top-weekend-style-houston-fashion-blog-summer-must-haves

Top | Denim | Earrings | Heels (similar) | Hat | Clutch (similar)

I just realized that I have been wearing these jeans and these jeans like every weekend. #sorrynotsorry They are just so comfy and go perfect with everything! You know what else goes perfect with everything? These Austin earrings from Charming Charlie. They come in 40 colors and let’s just say I own a great number of them 🙂

Charming Charlie sent me my first pair which were actually these stripe one’s I’m wearing in the photos. I immediately had to have more and I had no guilt about buying multiple colors because the price tag is too good! Also, I love mixing prints and these stripe earrings are such an easy way to do so with your favorite printed tops!

You all have probably seen these earrings so much this Spring and they aren’t going anywhere for Summer so get them for yourself asap! So many brands are doing them and I have seen them upwards for $98. I like the sound of $12 a little more. 🙂

Okay, so it is officially June (can you believe it?!) and there are 4 things I did not do from the Random Acts of Kindness calendar in May.

1. Bake cookies for a local fire station

2. Surprise a sibling

3. Donate to Goodwill (the bags are in my trunk so I get half credit) 🙂

4. Surprise your spouse- OMG, I know I totally suck. This was Tuesday’s act of kindness but seriously I felt so sick like super sick that when I got home from work I literally had to lay down immediately.

So I am making these a priority this next week! And if you missed any days it is totally okay! You can catch up to. Being kind is a good idea any day! 🙂

Happy Friday loves!

xo, Roselyn

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Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.
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