
D.I.Y. Jewelry Holder

So this is how these D.I.Y. projects normally come about in my house… I see something on HGTV or Pinterest that I super love and then I try researching my “ready to buy/use” option. Once I have sticker shock I tell myself ” I can totally make that for half the cost!” Yes, most times halfway through my projects I’m telling myself I should have just bought it and sometimes because it is not going as quickly as I like I try to find a way to make the process easier which brought us this post…what started as an anticipated 10 step process became a 4 step process! I read many different ways the “distressed” look could be achieved and while I started this project thinking I was going to use the 10 step candle wax option halfway through I decided I needed this to go quicker ๐Ÿ™‚

Tools you will need:

  1. Wooden pallet- I used 2 different sizes
  2. Decorative cabinet/drawer knobs
  3. Electric Sander
  4. Electric Drill
  5. 2″ Flat Paint Brush
  6. Foam Paint Brush
  7. Base Paint
  8. Top Coat Paint
  9. Paper Towels
  10. Paint Container

Step One:

Sand pallet to make as smooth as possible.


Step Two:

Using the 2″ flat paint brush, paint the pallet with the base color of your choice. I used a dark gray.

Let dry for 24 hours.


Step Three:

Pour top coat/lighter paint (I used French Silver) into a paint container. Mix in water, 1 teaspoon at a time until paint is like a thin wash. Test on small spot of pallet and be sure it does not bubble when applying. Once you test the small section apply to entire pallet using your foam brush. Allow to dry for 24 hours.


Step 4:

Drill holes where you want to place your knobs and screw knobs in. Add accessories and VOILA! You can now add handyman to your resume!  ๐Ÿ™‚


xoxo, Roselyn

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2 thoughts on “D.I.Y. Jewelry Holder

  1. This is amazing!! I want all those necklaces they’re so gorgeous, just like you my lovely friend. You are so talented beautiful ???Thanks for sharing this D.I.Y jewelry Holder. Much love to you precious ?


Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.
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