
Yellow Trench + Stripes Statement Earrings

Sharing this perfect yellow trench for us gals who live in areas that don’t get super cold weather during the Fall season!


Shop this look:

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Contrary to my huge smile in all of these pictures I was so under the weather this weekend! Baby Weaver caught a stomach bug at daycare (thankfully he is so much better and his happy self!) and then I woke up in the middle of the night Saturday so sick. I thought it was because I hadn’t really eaten anything but then I tried to get some crackers down and let’s just say they didn’t stay down. Ugh, it was a rough Sunday but I still had campaigns to shoot and thank the Lord for my sweet husband who took care of the baby and packed up my car with all my photo shoot things so that I could make my 10am appointment. #thestruggleisreal Also, thank goodness for Yash who can make even a gal with a high fever and no sleep look fabulous!

I am feeling much better today and I spent the morning wiping down my office with Clorox wipes as I was on my first conference call of the day. Brandon was making fun of me because apparently I have the immune system of an infant LOL. Anyway, taking all the vitamins today because I ain’t ruining Thanksgiving for Brandon and the baby!

Okay so let’s talk this yellow trench coat. It’s a medium weight so it’s perfect for the colder weather. I am actually wearing it over a tank here because “Houston weather” but you can wear it over your favorite sweaters. I am wearing a size medium for reference and the quality of this coat is so good you guys. And did I mention it’s under $70! Also, when you are feeling under the weather just throw on some statement earrings like these and no one will ever know!

xo, Roselyn

Photos by Banavenue Photography

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2 thoughts on “Yellow Trench + Stripes Statement Earrings


Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.
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