
Red & Blue Plaid Coat + #Momfessions

You’re probably like “here she goes..Mommy for a week trying to put her two cents in” LOL. Have no fear, no advice is coming from me at this moment. We are so thankful that most of our close friends already have kids because they have been so helpful with telling us all the things!


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So we had such a great weekend! Baby Weaver is already so loved and we couldn’t be more thankful for our friends and family who have came to visit and have been facetiming us like crazy. Thank goodness for modern day technology!

We had two full days of visitors and we even took a trip to Buy Buy Baby to complete our registry. As I mentioned before we didn’t do one prior because we didn’t know what age or gender we would be blessed with. As huge as Buy Buy Baby is I was surprised to see how well merchandised it was. We didn’t feel overwhelmed at all and the employees were super knowledgeable when we were asking about strollers.

Anywho, it’s only been a week and I already have learned so much about myself. More comical things than anything but I wanted to share:

  1. I totally understand why people have the baby on board signs on their cars now and I’m getting one.
  2. I didn’t throw up when I was pooped on like I thought I would.
  3. I didn’t know I had cat like reflexes until baby started coughing the other day and I caught his throw up before we got it all over himself and me! It was a proud, strange moment as I excitedly told Brandon that I caught his through up. LMBO
  4. Everything else just got less important.
  5. Being a mommy is such an amazing thing. I’m like “hey girl hey” walking by all the mommies in Buy Buy Baby like we are just instantly friends. LOL, but really.

I hope you don’t get sick of me talking all things mommy but I cannot contain this excitement. I promise to make it up to you by still sharing cute outfits and cute baby pictures soon!

xo, Roselyn

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10 thoughts on “Red & Blue Plaid Coat + #Momfessions


Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.
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